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NO-86-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Incense Burner- NO.86 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO-85-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Incense Burner- NO.85 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO-84-SOLD Incense Burner- NO.84 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
SOLD- NO-83 Incense Burner- NO.83 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
2021 Product Catalog
2020 공예트렌드 페어(CRAFT TREND FAIR 2020) 2020 공예트렌드 페어 CRAFT TREND FAIR 2020 일 시 _ 2020년 12월3일~6일 장 소_ 삼성동 코엑스A홀 부스번호_ G116 토화랑 THR CERAMIC 2020 공예트렌드 페어 (CRAFT TREND FAIR 2020)에 토화랑의 브랜드 DOGABI (도예가 김형준)가 참여하였습니다. 우리 제품의 제작 과정과 페어 준비등을 기록한 영상입니다.** 코로나로 인해 올 한해가 훅 지나가버린것 같았는데 2020 공예트렌드 페어로 한해 마무리는 잘 마친듯 합니다. 영상을 통해 페어의 분위기를 살짝 느껴보시면 좋겠습니다. ^^
NO-621-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Oil Lamp_Horong 621 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..
NO-620-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Oil Lamp_Horong 620 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..
NO-619 Oil Lamp_Horong 619 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..
NO-618 Oil Lamp_Horong 618 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..
NO . 617-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Oil Lamp_Horong 617 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..
NO-616 Oil Lamp_Horong 616 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..
NO-615 Oil Lamp_Horong 615 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..
SOLD-NO-614- TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Oil Lamp_Horong 614Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil-  based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights.   It was definitely important on daily life in the past by  lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness.    This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged.  * Technique   - Material : Ceramic / C..
SOLD-NO-613 Oil Lamp_Horong 613 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..
NO-612 Oil Lamp_Horong 612 Horong is a Korean traditional oil lamp used to produce light using an oil- based fuel source before the use of candles and electric lights. It was definitely important on daily life in the past by lightening the space and keeping people safe from darkness. This is the first point where my inspiration and imagination have emerged. * Technique - Material : Ceramic / Clay Devel..

10525 THR ceramic studio

49-4, Yonghyeon-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Email / info@dogabi.kr            Tel /0507-1330-9976

www.thr.kr /   thr-ceramic.com/     naldak.kr / dogabi.kr 

사업자 등록번호 : 128-91-63204 / 통신판매업신고증 : 제2019-고양덕양구-0440호

copyrightⓒ2003 by THR ceramic studio

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