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NO.99-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Incense Burner- NO.99 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.98-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Incense Burner- NO.98 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.97-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Incense Burner- NO.97 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.96 Incense Burner- NO.96 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.95-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Incense Burner- NO.95 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.94-SOLD Incense Burner- NO.94 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NYNOW SUMMER 2021 NYNOW SUMMER 2021 일 시 _ 2021년 8월8일~11일 장 소_ 자콥 자비스 컨벤션 센터, 뉴욕 부스번호_ #1226 THR CERAMIC ' 뉴욕나우(NY NOW)는 JAVITS CENTER에서 년 2회 열리는 뉴욕 최대규모의 리빙용품 박람회로 글로벌한 디자인기업들과 전세계의 신진브랜드, 홈데코, 유니크한 기프트상품들이 모이는 인지도가 높은 전시회입니다.' 이번이 2번째 참가하였습니다.
NO - 93 Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.93 Unlike other typical vases, Dogabi vases can create various personalities nd atmospheres by interacting with plants, and they allow you to experience different feelings when viewed from different angles of the Dogabi's face. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1472℉ Oxidation ..
NO - 92 Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.92 Unlike other typical vases, Dogabi vases can create various personalities and atmospheres by interacting with plants, and they allow you to experience different feelings when viewed from different angles of the Dogabi's face. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1472℉ Oxidation..
NO - 91 Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.91 Unlike other typical vases, Dogabi vases can create various personalities and atmospheres by interacting with plants, and they allow you to experience different feelings when viewed from different angles of the Dogabi's face. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1472℉ Oxidation..
NO - 90 Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.90 Unlike other typical vases, Dogabi vases can create various personalities and atmospheres by interacting with plants, and they allow you to experience different feelings when viewed from different angles of the Dogabi's face. * DOGABI is an old Korean word meaning goblin. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2..
NO - 89 Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.89 Dogabi Flower Vase is crafted with white porcelain clay and gold metallic glaze as an accent. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1472℉ Oxidation Firing, Gold Size : 110×120×215mm, 865g STORY OF DOGABI The story of Dogabi passed down from ancient times was told that Dogabi who..
NO-88-SOLD -180 The Store, NY Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.88 Dogabi Flower Vase is crafted with white porcelain clay and gold metallic glaze as an accent. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1472℉ Oxidation Firing, Gold Size : 110×100×220mm, 810g STORY OF DOGABI The story of Dogabi passed down from ancient times was told that Dogabi who..
NO - 87-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.87 Dogabi Flower Vase is crafted with white porcelain clay and gold metallic glaze as an accent. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1472℉ Oxidation Firing, Gold Size : 110×110×220mm, 840g STORY OF DOGABI The story of Dogabi passed down from ancient times was told that Dogabi who..
NO - 86- SOLD-180 The Store, NY Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.86 Dogabi Flower Vase is crafted with white porcelain clay and gold metallic glaze as an accent. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1472℉ Oxidation Firing, Gold Size : 110×120×205mm, 840g STORY OF DOGABI The story of Dogabi passed down from ancient times was told that Dogabi who..
NO - 85-SOLD-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY Long Type FLOWER VASES _ No.85 Dogabi Flower Vase is crafted with white porcelain clay and gold metallic glaze as an accent. Material : Ceramic (White Porcelain Clay) Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt Kiln Temperature : 2282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1472℉ Oxidation Firing, Gold Size : 125×110×200mm, 690g STORY OF DOGABI The story of Dogabi passed down from ancient times was told that Dogabi who..

10525 THR ceramic studio

49-4, Yonghyeon-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Email / info@dogabi.kr            Tel /0507-1330-9976

www.thr.kr /   thr-ceramic.com/     naldak.kr / dogabi.kr 

사업자 등록번호 : 128-91-63204 / 통신판매업신고증 : 제2019-고양덕양구-0440호

copyrightⓒ2003 by THR ceramic studio

All Pictures cannot be copied with out permission